
Chiropractic is a course of treatment. The number of treatments required depends on the nature of the condition, how long it has been present and what you want out of the treatment. For example, chronic or recurring conditions often require more treatments than the first episode of an acute condition, depending on the severity. After the initial consultation and examination, we will discuss our recommendations for your care. However, the decision to follow our recommendations is always left up to you, as you are in charge of your own health. |
This takes about 30 - 45 minutes on average. On your first visit, we will take a full and detailed medical history and carry out a thorough physical, orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examination. If x-rays are required, we will refer you to a local radiologist. During this visit, we will do what is possible to ease symptoms, but treatment cannot be guaranteed on the first visit. This will depend on the nature of the problem, the acuteness of symptoms on the day and whether x-rays are needed. If it is appropriate, and you decide to receive treatment at our office, we will treat you.
On the first visit we will explain the findings from the examination as well as explain the diagnosis and course of treatment determined to be appropriate. Once all of your questions have been answered and you are happy to get started, we will begin the treatment. It is important that all of your questions have been answered and that you have a good understanding of your problem. Our patients have found that this helps them achieve better long-term results.
Again, the number of treatments required depends on the nature of the condition, how long it has been present and what you want out of the treatment. The pain only tells half the story. Just because the pain has eased does not mean that the problem is gone. A common mistake is to ignore the problem once the pain is gone just to find the problem returning all too soon. Once the pain has settled, further treatments will help to stabilize the vulnerable area and prevent recurrences of the problem. This is why chiropractic has 3 phases of care. |
The 3 Phases of Care:
- Relief Care - the first phase of care is focused on getting rid of the pain
- Restoration / Corrective Care - the second phase of care is focused on correcting the problem, improving function, and restoring health
- Maintenance Care - the third phase of care is focused on maintaining results and preventing future problems from occurring; this phase is different for everyone
The type of care you decide to receive is up to you. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision for your own personal health care. Many of our patients find that chiropractic treatment works best when it is not used as a pain killer, but is used to keep the pain away.